The Anatomy of Solitude I - III. 2021 Oil on canvas.

Two boys who think they are unique. 2020.
Digital image infinite size.

Don't worry, not all 600 are uploaded here
The work here was created during the pandemic. I used all kinds of materials without a plan, it was all about exploring, and the avoidance of being categorised as an ist or an ism.
I produced one artwork every day posting directly to Instagram but, it's impossible to appreciate the scale of a project on an android screen; that’s why I constructed this portfolio.
I was spending a lot on paints and canvases so, I invested in a tablet. It took a while to get to grips with a new way of working now, I love it! Plus, I get to produce big works that take up no storage space whatsoever.
Here’s where I’m supposed to impress you with art schools and awards, the schools I attended were the best, and the awards were many. But do those facts still influence my work? No, I learned how to look and I learned how to look astonished.

The creative process is very personal, I don’t set out to shock or bedazzle, it’s all about discovering what goes on in my head, then expressing it in some kind of visual format. Every day I draw, paint, or sketch, and I’m constantly absorbing information. For example, I’m not the best person to watch a movie with, I annoyingly pause actors’ faces to download to my brain the lighting effects, and expressions.

I take thousands of photographs of reflections, random figures, anything that may be useful. Then, of course, they’re filled away on my phone for future reference, and sure, more than half never get looked at. I’m fascinated with Instagram profiles, and the lengths people will go to in order to produce Insta-perfection with all their intriguing, unique, characteristics erased in order to attract more anonymous stalkers. Yes, it’s a project on the back-burner.
I prefer drawing to talking. Drawing is faster, and leaves less room for lies.
Le Corbusier
Heads intrigue me. Good or bad, how do you capture their moods? I try never to depict smiles or laughter, which rules out two emotions. It’s all in the eyes or a tilt of the head for me, but I never feel I’ve done enough.
You could say, 'what's the point, just take a photo?' I 100% support photography, but it doesn't relieve my megalomania. I want more.
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